Pipeline architecture

The os2datascanner.engine2.pipeline module contains the engine2 pipeline, also known as the scanner engine.

Image of the interactions of os2datascanner components

What components make up the pipeline?

The pipeline implementation consists of five stages:

  • the Explorer, which consumes a source message, explores all of the objects in that source, and produces potentially many conversion or problem messages;
  • the Processor, which consumes a conversion message, converts an object into the appropriate form for a rule to be applied to it, and produces precisely one representation message, problem message, or source message;
  • the Matcher, which consumes a representation message, attempts to match a rule against a representation of an object, and produces potentially many match messages and at most one handle message;
  • the Tagger, which consumes a handle message, extracts useful metadata from the object that it references, and produces a metadata message; and
  • the Exporter, which consumes match, problem and metadata messages and produces result messages suitable for the outside world.

Overview of the data carried by OS2datascanner messages

To improve cache efficiency, and to reduce the amount of potentially sensitive information transmitted over the underlying RabbitMQ message bus, the Processor, Matcher and Tagger stages are customarily bundled into a single process known as the worker.

Components supporting the pipeline operation

In addition to the five stages mentioned above, there are also four collectors, which update the databases for the admin and report modules with relevant information about the running scanner jobs. While these collectors are not technically a part of the pipeline, they provide important information about the state of the running scanner jobs across the admin and report modules:

  • Checkup Collector (admin): This collects checkup messages about objects that should be revisited (scanned again) next time the scanner jobs runs.
  • Status Collector (admin): This collects status messages about the current status of a scanner job, i.e. the number of objects scanned so far, the total number of objects, the number of explored sources, etc.
  • Event Collector (report): This collector maintains Organisations, OrganizationalUnit, Account, Alias and Position objects in the report module database, such as bulk CRUD operations on said objects.
  • Result Collector (report): This collects problem, metadata and match messages and is in charge of performing CRUD operations for DocumentReports in the report module database.

What are the pipeline's design principles?

  • Simple external interfaces

The pipeline should expose a clear API for getting instructions into the pipeline and results out of it; interacting with the pipeline in any other way should not be supported.

  • Always in motion

The pipeline (as a whole) should never wait. Individual instances of stages might wait for any number of reasons, but they shouldn't slow down the rest of the pipeline.

  • High tolerance

Provided that an AMQP message contains valid JSON, a stage should accept it immediately. Problems with handling the message should be presented as problem messages rather than raising an exception.

  • Unambiguous results

It should be possible, from the output of the pipeline, to distinguish between an object that didn't match a rule and an object that hasn't been examined yet. Objects in transit through the pipeline shouldn't just disappear.

  • Trivial stage implementations

Stages should be short and readable and should perform a single simple task. For example, the Tagger was added as a separate stage instead of giving the Matcher responsibility for metadata extraction.

  • No unnecessary work

Objects should skip over pipeline stages as soon as it's clear that it's possible.

  • Clear security boundaries

As many stages will be dealing with privileged authentication details and sensitive information, each stage should have clear security boundaries. To the extent that this is possible, a stage should be capable of being run as an unprivileged user with no network access in a read-only filesystem.

Adding a new stage should be preferred to extending the security boundaries of an existing stage; this was another reason why Tagger, which requires access to content and metadata, was added instead of extending Matcher, which requires neither of these things.

  • State is bad

Stages should read JSON-formatted messages from AMQP queues, perform some appropriate work, and then write JSON-formatted messages to AMQP queues. No stage should maintain any internal (apart from trivial caching) or external state.

In particular, this means that pipeline stages should not communicate with a database: their tasks should be precisely and exclusively specified by their input.

The big picture - communication between OS2datascanner components

As mentioned, the engine consists of five stages that work in tandem with the four collector processes and the admin and report module. There are a lot of complex, moving parts.

To ease comprehension of the entire set of interactions at a fine level of detail, an overview of interactions between all components (as well as the user) is illustrated by the UML Sequence Diagram below:

UML Sequence Diagram of engine component communication

Note: Due to the distributed nature of the system, all of the messages should be considered asynchronous.

This diagram is divided into sections: one for each of the engine pipeline stages, one for the collector processes with subsections, as well as two sections that briefly describe startup and completion of a scanner job, respectively.

It illustrates the interaction of the components, but as is evident, RabbitMQ is the mediator that enables communication between them. For a detailed description of the use of RabbitMQ and AMQP, please see the section on RabbitMQ.

As stated this is a broad overview. Detailed diagrams of the individual component are presented in the following subsections.


The first stage of the pipeline is the explorer which starts out by consuming a ScanSpecMessage from RabbitMQ. This message contains a specification for the scanner jobs with the type of the data source that needs to be scanned.

Then all scannable content from a source is fetched. Depending on whether the content is a "nested source" (i.e. contains other content, like a directory) then a new ScanSpecMessage with the "nested source" is enqueued in RabbitMQ or a ConversionMessage with the content is enqueued and sent to the worker. Should a conversion fail, a ProblemMessage is enqueued.

Finally, no matter the outcome of the above, a StatusMessage describing the progression of the scanner job is enqueued and sent to the status collector.

UML Sequence Diagram of Explorer Stage


The worker used to be four separate stages and as such is quite a bit more complicated than the other stages. To reduce the traffic and workload on RabbitMQ, these four stages were combined into a single unit to eliminate any unnecessary messages. That is, enqueueing messages to RabbitMQ may be bypassed if the target stage is a substage of the worker process, so not all messages actually go through the message broker. As such, words like "enqueued" and "consumed" should be interpreted as maybe for all substages of the worker stage.

UML Sequence Diagram of Worker Stage


The processor is in charge of converting whatever incoming data to a format that the remaining stages of the engine can work with, which is typically in the form of text.

For each type of content there is an appropriate conversion to a desired output format which is run on that content. If the conversion yields a new "nested source" then a ScanSpecmessage which is sent to the explorer. Otherwise if the conversion yields a desired output format, then a RepresentationMessage is passed to the matcher. If the conversion fails, two things happen: a ProblemMessage is emitted and a CheckupMessage is sent to the checkup collector, so that the content can be revisited some time in the future.


This is an internalised clone of the explorer stage from earlier and does essentially the same thing, except that ScanSpecMessages are rerouted to itself instead of utilizing RabbitMQ.


Once the content has been converted into a workable representation by the processor, the actual scanning can take place. This is the responsibility of the matcher.

First, a RepresentationMessage is consumed, which contains a scannable representation of the content, that the matcher can then apply an accompaning Rule to it until a conclusion is reached.. Once a conclusion is reached, a MatchesMessage is enqueued and sent to the exporter, a HandlesMessage is sent to the tagger and a CheckupMessage is sent to the checkup collector.

However, the matcher may not be able to reach a conclusion either because it encountered an error, in which case both a ProblemMessage and a CheckupMessage is emitted, or because the current representation might need further conversion.


The tagger is responsible for extracting relevant metadata about the scanned content to be presented to the user.

Upon receiving a HandlesMessage, the tagger applies the appropriate handler to extract the relevant metadata from the content and enqueues a MetadataMessage that is sent to the exporter.

Of cause, the extraction might fail in which case a ProblemMessage is enqueued in RabbitMQ.


The exporter is the final stage of the pipeline before the data leaves the engine. Inside the engine space, everything is processed in memory, which means that no trails of sensitive information or even breadcrumbs thereof is left behind.

However, outside the engine results from a scanner job needs persistent storage for future presentation to the user. If a result contains a match involving sensitive information, this information would then be stored persistently in disk, where it might be vulnerable if forgotten and left behind.

The job of the exporter is to compile MetadataMessages, MatchesMessages and ProblemMessages into a uniform ResultMessages, which are censored in case of matches involving sensitive information.

UML Sequence Diagram of Exporter Stage

Checkup Collector

Sometimes, some of the content to be scanned is not available, errors occur while processing it or the content matches against one of the applied rules. In any case, the scanning of the content resulted in some kind of state that warrents revisiting it in the future to scan it again and see if said state has changed.

This concept is called a checkup. Once a worker determines that a checkup is required for some content, it emits a CheckupMessage which is then consumed by this stage, the checkup collector.

The consumed CheckupMessage is then converted to a database object and stored in the admin modules database. The next time that the scanner job is started, every relevant checkup message is enqueued in the pipeline along with the regular ScanSpecMessages.

UML Sequence Diagram of Checkup Collector

Status Collector

Due to its distributed nature, it can be difficult for the user to keep up with what is happening during the execution of a scanner job. To keep the user informed, the various stages emit a StatusMessage with the latest state of the scanner job.

The responsibility of the status collector is to consume these messages from RabbitMQ and perform CRUD operations on a corresponding database object in the admin module. This database object is then queried by the admin module and presented to the user.

UML Sequence Diagram of Status Collector

Event Collector

This collector handles bulk CRUD operations on various objects in the report module database.

UML Sequence Diagram of Event Collector

Result Collector

Once the exporter stage has emitted a ResultMessage, the result collector listens for and consumes these messages with the purpose of performing CRUD operations on DocumentReport objects in the report module database. A DocumentReport represents scanned content and contains relevant metadata and either matches or a problem description in case of an error.

UML Sequence Diagram of Result Collector

The basis of a pipeline stage instance

Since every pipeline stage must communicate with RabbitMQ using AMQP and must be run concurrently on separate threads, all engine stages share some common abstractions depicted on the UML Class Diagram below:

UML Class Diagram of general pipeline stage abstractions

There are four classes in this class hierarchy, three of which that provide some general interactions with RabbitMQ:

  • PikaConnectionHolder
  • PikaPipelineRunner
  • PikaPipelineThread

The GenericRunner handles messages that are specific to the OS2datascanner engine.

Note: all of the four collector processes have their own specialized runner based on PikaPipelineThread instead of using the GenericRunner.

Together, these three abstractions allows one to create a separate thread for some routine that involves communication with an AMQP message broker. Let's us examine each one in detail:


This class is responsible for establishing and maintaining a blocking connection with an AMQP broker with parameters defined in os2datascanner/utils/pika_settings.py. These parameters include host, port, virtual_host, heartbeat and authentication with credentials among others.

It can also create an AMQP channel and automatically takes care of any required cleanup upon object destruction. In other words, if we consider AMQP connections and channels to be resources, PikaConnectionHolder implements RAII for said resources.

Although not an abstract class, PikaConnectionHolder is never instantiated in practice (except for testing purposes and some cli utilities), but serves as a base for inheritance.


This class extends PikaConnectionHolder with AMQP exchange and queue declarations as well as wrapper methods for basic AMQP messages such as acknowledgement, consumption and cancellation.

Like PikaConnectionHolder, PikaPipelineRunner is also never instantiated in practice.


This class implements threading.Thread as well as extending PikaPipelineRunner. It runs two threads: a main thread (run_consumer()) and a background thread (run()).

The background thread runs an event-loop that reads from a local message buffer (self._outgoing) and dispatches these to RabbitMQ depending on the message head.

The main thread runs another event-loop that reads from a local message buffer (self._incoming), which contains the read queues. It produces messages for the background thread using the handle_message()-method.

This class is used not only by the pipeline stages, but also by the admin module to initiate scanner jobs in the first place.

The interaction between the main thread, the background thread and RabbitMQ is captured by the UML Sequence Diagram below:

UML Sequence Diagram showing the interaction between threads in PikaPipelineThread