Extending OS2datascanner

This document is a short guide to adding new sources of data to OS2datascanner's scanner engine, engine2.

engine2 is so called because it's the second major version of the OS2datascanner engine. The first, used from 2014 to 2020, was built on the Scrapy web crawling framework.

Most of the advanced functionality of the scanner engine is used by the pipeline. Some objects are also used in the administration system and in the report module. You can also just use it from your own Python scripts or from the shell, provided that all of its dependencies are installed in your local Python environment.

Key scanner engine concepts

At the heart of the scanner engine is its model. The model consists of three abstract base classes and a number of helper classes.


A Source represents a local or remote data source. It stores all of the information needed to open, or connect to, a data source, and implements a strategy for exploring that data source to find objects.

The Source API, as we'll soon see, is very minimal, and so can serve as a wrapper around arbitrarily complicated interfaces.

Sources are stateless. They do have functions that create and operate on state, but these can only be used along with an instance of a state management class called SourceManager.


A Handle is a reference to an object. The exploration strategy of a Source produces these.

In general, an "object" is a user-recognisable leaf node in a hierarchy. For example, engine2's filesystem exploration code returns a FilesystemHandle for each normal file it finds; folders are ignored.

The standard implementation of Handle has only two properties: a Source and a str path to a specific object.

Handles are roughly equivalent to URLs: they refer to the unique location of an object, carry enough information to establish a connection to that object, and have a standard serialisation form to enable them to be saved and sent between different bits of the system. (Keeping URL-like objects, even after removing Scrapy, was a deliberate design goal of engine2.)

Like Sources, Handles are also stateless.


A Resource is a followed Handle. That is, it's not just a reference to an object: it represents an available object, with concrete operations that have access to its metadata and content.

Just as a Handle can be considered as a Source and a path joined together, a Resource is essentially a Handle bound to a SourceManager: a reference to an object, and the state that allows that object to be accessed.

Statelessness and equality

engine2's objects are stateless because they're designed to be serialisable, and the best way of making sure that state is kept consistent across space and time is by not having it!

Many engine2 classes override the Python __eq__ and __hash__ methods. For example, objects that open an equivalent connection to an external resource compare equal to each other:

SMBCSource("//SERVER/Folder", username="alec", password="secret")
== SMBCSource("//SERVER/Folder", username="alec", password="secret", driveletter="X")

Overriding equality in this way makes it possible to implement the following logic to share and reuse connections:

opened_sources = {}
def open_source(source):
    if source not in opened_sources:
        opened_sources = source.open()
    return opened_sources[source]

(This won't actually work because Sources don't have an open method as part of their public API, but this is, in principle, what SourceManager does behind the scenes.)

Adding a new data source

Supporting a new data source is a matter of implementing three classes: a Source subclass, a Resource subclass, and a Handle subclass to join them together.

(Depending on the data source, it might make sense to implement more than one of each of these, but normally one is enough.)

Data sources are only interesting if they have some data to back them. A real source would presumably be backed by a remote service of some kind, but to keep things simple, we'll just use a toy file system stored in a Python dictionary:

backing_store = {
    "alec:secretpassword": {
        "/home/alec/Documents/secrets.txt": {
            "type": "text/plain",
            "content": b"A big dog!"
        "/home/alec/Downloads/smile.png": {
            "type": "image/png",
            "content": b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00'

"Authentication" against this data source will be performed by joining the username and password together with a : in the middle and doing a dictionary key lookup; exploration will then be a simple matter of iterating over the keys in the resulting dictionary. Outside of engine2, here's what that might look like:

def explore(username, password):
    auth_string = "{0}:{1}".format(username, password)
    if not auth_string in backing_store:
        raise ValueError("Username or password incorrect")

    files = backing_store[auth_string]
    for path, descriptor in files.items():
        yield (path, descriptor["type"], descriptor["content"])

The exploration strategy: ToySource

Let's translate that to engine2. The data source and its exploration strategy will be modelled by a Source subclass, which will emit Handle references that can be followed to their content through a Resource:

from os2datascanner.engine2.model.core import (
        Source, ResourceUnavailableError)

class ToySource(Source):
    type_label = "toy"

    def __init__(self, username, password):
        self._username = username
        self._password = password

The constructor of a Source should take all the information needed to open a connection and log in to a data source. Here, that's just a simple username and password; in the real world, it could be a username and password, or an API key, or an OAuth token.

Now we need to implement the exploration strategy, and the generator function that creates the state object. In the real world, this function would open a connection to a remote server, authenticate against it, yield a cookie of some kind, and then clean up after it when the generator stops. Our toy example can be much simpler:

def _generate_state(self, source_manager):
    auth_string = "{0}:{1}".format(self._username, self._password)
    if not auth_string in backing_store:
        raise ResourceUnavailableError(self,
                "Username or password incorrect")
        yield backing_store[auth_string]

We never call this state function explicitly, though. Instead, ToySource objects call the SourceManager.open method on themselves:

def handles(self, source_manager):
    files = source_manager.open(self)
    for path, descriptor in files.items():
        yield ToyHandle(self, path)

SourceManager.open is the real version of the hypothetical open_source function we saw earlier. It will either return a cached cookie or call _generate_state to make a fresh one (which will itself then be cached).

SourceManager implements a lot of engine2's clever behaviour: for example, opening a Source might cause older Sources to be closed.

_generate_state is an important internal API. Its return value (as returned by SourceManager.open) is also the entire interface between a Source and its Resource subclass, so that value must also expose everything needed to retrieve file data and metadata.

Some classes make API guarantees for their _generate_state method. For example, the FilesystemSource method states that it yields a directory path. This allows us to mix and match classes in weird ways: if another Source also puts objects in the filesystem and implements a compatible _generate_state method, then it can reuse the FilesystemResource class to give access to them. (See os2datascanner.engine2.model.derived.pdf for an example of this.)

The implementation of our Source is now substantially finished, but we can't instantiate this object just yet:

>>> ToySource()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class ToySource with abstract methods
censor, to_json_object

Note that we don't need to explicitly override __eq__ and __hash__ in our new class: inheriting from Source (or Handle) automatically gives us appropriate implementations of these methods.

Censoring objects

Sources, in general, carry sensitive information. (Even our ToySource has a username and password.) This sensitive information is necessary for the model to do its job, but when we want to send objects to a lower-privilege system, we want to be able to remove this information.

This is what happens at the end of the pipeline: there's a stage, the exporter, that censors all engine2 objects before serialising them and sending them to be stored in a database.

Both Source and Handle define an abstract method called censor. This method should return a version of the original object but with the sensitive information stripped off:

def censor(self):
    return ToySource(username=None, password=None)

The documentation for Source points out something important about these objects:

The resulting Source will not necessarily carry enough information to generate a meaningful state object, and so will not necessarily compare equal to this one.

That is, a censored Source is supposed to be presentationally equivalent to the original one, but nothing more: it carries enough information to be able to point a user at the right website or network drive, but not enough to actually give access to any objects.)


To give us as much flexibility as possible, to help with debugging, and to make the system's internal messages human-readable, engine2 requires that every class explicitly define its serialised forms.

Sources must implement a method called to_json_object and should implement a static method called from_json_object. The first of these returns an object suitable for JSON serialisation, and the second is given a decoded JSON object and returns a new Source of an appropriate type.

def to_json_object(self):
    return dict(**super().to_json_object(), **{
        "username": self._username,
        "password": self._password

The super implementation of this function just returns the dict {"type": class.type_label}. The type property is used elsewhere in the system to determine what kind of object is being deserialised.

def from_json_object(obj):
    return ToySource(

engine2 uses decorators a lot to manage internal registries of things. The Source.json_handler decorator adds things to the registry behind the Source.from_json_object function -- the pipeline uses this function to load serialised Sources without having to know anything about them.

It's not important that a method with the specific name from_json_object exists: what's important is that an appropriate method is added to the internal registry.

With that, our new Source is ready!

References: ToyHandle

The next thing to implement is ToyHandle. As this is a simple Handle (it just binds a Source to a named object), the Handle base class will implement almost everything for us:

from os2datascanner.engine2.model.core import Handle

class ToyHandle(Handle):

Since we don't store any properties other than a Source and a path, we can use the Handle.stock_json_handler decorator, which automatically registers a standard from_json_object-like function with the registry used by the Handle.from_json_object function.

type_label = "toy"
source_type = ToyResource

The Handle class defines a method, follow, that binds a Handle to a SourceManager and returns a new Resource. The implementation of this function is always the same: return self.resource_type(self, source_manager).

(This is, of course, a forward reference to a class we haven't defined yet! When we do eventually define ToyResource, it should sit between ToySource and ToyHandle.)

def presentation(self):
    return self.relative_path

Because engine2 objects can get quite complicated, the Handle API is also used by the user interface components of OS2datascanner to compute names for things. This is the job of the Handle.presentation method: it should return something that the user recognises as a name.

There's also an optional Handle.presentation_url method that returns a user-friendly link to an object. The definition of "link" is deliberately a bit fuzzy: for example, an message in an email account scanned over IMAP might have a presentation_url implementation that points at a webmail system. We don't need to define that here, though, since there are no meaningful links to Python dictionary members.

def censor(self):
    return ToyHandle(self.source.censor(), self.relative_path)

Handles carry Source references, so they need to be censorable as well. (A Source is supposed to be presentationally equivalent to its censored form, which in turn means that handle.presentation is supposed to be equal to handle.censor().presentation.)

Handle automatically provides a few other useful functions, like guess_type, which returns an educated guess for the object's MIME type.

The default implementation of Handle.guess_type just looks at the name and makes a decision based on the file extension, but this too can be overridden. (Don't try to do anything too clever in this method, though --remember that Handles are just references and can't look at content.)

Operations: ToyResource

We can now discover and point at objects in our toy filesystem. This is a good start, but now we need to be able to do things to those objects: we need a Resource.

More specifically, since our objects look like files, we need the subclass FileResource, which takes care of some of the basics for us:

from contextlib import contextmanager
from os2datascanner.engine2.model.core import FileResource

class ToyResource(FileResource):
    def __init__(self, handle, sm):
        super().__init__(handle, sm)
        self._entry = None

    def _get_entry(self):
        if not self._entry:
            self._entry = self._get_cookie()[self.handle.relative_path]
        return self._entry

Resources are short-lived and not serialisable, so they're allowed to track state. Here, for example, is a simple cache of the underlying dictionary entry. (Resource._get_cookie is a utility method that calls SourceManager.open(self.handle.source) on the Resource's bound SourceManager.)

def get_last_modified(self):
    return super().get_last_modified()

Files in the engine2 world always have a last modification date associated with them. There is a default, naïve implementation of this method in FileResource, which returns the time the method was first called; There are virtually always better approaches available, though, so it's declared as an abstract method to force subclasses to explicitly decide whether or not to use it.

Our toy filesystem doesn't have enough information for us to do better, so we'll just use the default implementation.

def get_size(self):
    return len(self._get_entry()["content"])

def make_stream(self):
    from io import BytesIO
    yield BytesIO(self._get_entry()["content"]

Here are the two methods at the heart of FileResource: get_size, which retrieves a metadata property, and make_stream, which makes the file's content available to the rest of the OS2datascanner system.

def make_path(self):
    from os2datascanner.engine2.model.utilities import (
    with NamedTemporaryResource(self.handle.name) as ntr:
        with ntr.open("wb") as res:
            with self.make_stream() as s:
        yield ntr.get_path()

FileResource comes with a few other useful methods, such as compute_type, a counterpart to Handle.guess_type that\'s actually allowed to look at the content of the file.

Trying it out

Now that our new data source is modelled, we can try it out by listing all of its files:

>>> from toy import *
>>> from os2datascanner.engine2.model.core import SourceManager
>>> sm = SourceManager()
>>> source = ToySource(username="alec", password="secretpassword")
>>> [h.relative_path for h in source.handles(sm)]
['/home/alec/Documents/secrets.txt', '/home/alec/Downloads/smile.png']

Then we can print more information about these files:

>>> for h in source.handles(sm:
...     print(h.relative_path)
...     r = h.follow(sm)
...     print("\tSize: {0} bytes".format(r.get_size()))
...     if h.guess_type() == "text/plain":
...         print("\tContent:")
...         with r.make_stream() as fp:
...             print("\t\t{0}".format(fp.read().decode()))
    Size: 10 bytes
        A big dog!
    Size: 99 bytes

To see how the pipeline can work with data sources of all kinds without knowing what they are, we can try working with the JSON form of ToySource:

>>> import toy
>>> from os2datascanner.engine2.model.core import Source, SourceManager
>>> sm = SourceManager()
>>> generic_source = Source.from_json_object({
...         "type": "toy", "username": "alec",
...         "password": "secretpassword"})
>>> [h.relative_path for h in generic_source.handles(sm)]
['/home/alec/Documents/secrets.txt', '/home/alec/Downloads/smile.png']

Wheels within wheels

The description of Handles earlier glossed them as references to "objects". But what is an object?

To some extent this depends on the Source. In a filesystem, an object is a file: a named stream of bytes with some metadata. In an email account, an object is an email. In a case management system, an object is a case.

But sometimes the lines are blurrier than that. For example, consider a Zip file. It is a file: it's a stream of bytes with a name, a size, and some metadata. It can also, however, be viewed as a container for other files, each of which in turn also has these properties.

Let's put one into the toy filesystem and see what happens.

backing_store["alec:secretpassword"]["/home/alec/hello.zip"] = {
    "type": "application/zip",
    "content": b"PK\x03\x04\x14\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00a~\xbdP4\x01\xd3p@"

Since we know how our objects behave, we can skip the exploration strategy altogether and manually construct a ToyHandle to this object:


ToyResource doesn't expose a lot of operations, but it does return a Python file object pointing at the content of the Zip file. As luck would have it, the Python standard library has a module for working with Zip files:

>>> from zipfile import ZipFile
>>> resource = handle.follow(sm)
>>> with resource.make_stream() as fp:
...     print(ZipFile(fp).infolist())
[<ZipInfo filename='hello.txt' compress_type=deflate filemode='-rw-r--r--'
file_size=67 compress_size=64>]

Is there a way of exploring this Zip file from inside engine2? If, for example, the pipeline is asked to look for the text illegal, and it finds a Zip file, then text conversion won't work -- the result would be binary gibberish. But shouldn\'t there be some way to recurse into the Zip file and look at the things inside it?

There is:

>>> from os2datascanner.engine2.model.derived.zip import ZipSource
>>> [h.relative_path for h in ZipSource(handle).handles(sm)]

engine2 has lots of sources that are based on Handles. That is, they implement the data source API for data that is itself retrieved through engine2.

Here's the trick at the heart of ZipSource:

class ZipSource(DerivedSource):

    # ...

    def _generate_state(self, sm):
        with self.handle.follow(sm).make_path() as r:
            with ZipFile(str(r)) as zp:
                yield zp

Given a handle that points at an object, we follow that handle, we download the object's content to a file, and we open a ZipFile that points to that file -- and suddenly engine2 can explore Zip files in exactly the same way that it explores our toy filesystem.

Because all of the JSON-handling code gets contributed to central registries, we can serialise and deserialise this ZipSource as well, even though it's based on a Handle defined outside of the engine2 core:

>>> zs = ZipSource(handle)
>>> zs.to_json_object()
{'type': 'zip', 'handle': {'type': 'toy', 'source': {'type': 'toy',
'username': 'alec', 'password': 'secretpassword'}, 'path':
>>> zs2 == Source.from_json_object(zs.to_json_object())
>>> zs == zs2
>>> [h.relative_path for h in zs2.handles(sm)]

Using the url_explorer demo

This is a small demo script which explorers a source, created from a supplied url, and prints the found handles.

The two most common url-types would be file:abspath to directory or http://example.com.

See src/os2datascanner/engine2/demo/url_explorer.py