Conversions and rules

This document is a short overview of OS2datascanner's capabilities for scanning data: how rules work, how combining rules works, and how objects discovered by the scanner engine are converted into searchable representations. (Collectively all of these capabilities are sometimes grouped together and referred to as the rule engine.)

What is a rule, anyway?

Fundamentally, a rule is a test: one or more properties that an object under scan (a file, or an email, or...) must have. In OS2datascanner, objects that pass the test of the user-specified rule associated with a scanner are considered to have matches, the problems displayed in the report module.

This description is very generic, because rules are generic! Some of them map nicely onto search criteria: "find Danish civil registration numbers", or "find matches for the regular expression [0-9]{16}". Some of them are filters: "does the metadata indicate that this thing's been modified since last Thursday at 20:08:51 local time?", or "does OS2datascanner know of a way to treat this thing as an image?". Yet others are logical operators, for combining other rules together.

Key concepts

There's quite a lot of overlap between the rule engine's concepts, which is unfortunate from an explanatory perspective, but let's see what we can do.


OS2datascanner defines a simple list of types for representations in the OutputType enumeration (os2datascanner.engine2.conversions.types.OutputType). Each one of these types represents an item of data that a rule might want to look at. Here are a few examples:

  • the plain text content of an object;
  • the date an object was last edited; or
  • the headers associated with an email.

The conversion registry

The os2datascanner.engine2.conversions.registry package defines a function, convert, that takes a Resource and converts it to the requested type, which must be a member of the OutputType enumeration. (The scan pipeline's processor stage is essentially a glorified wrapper around the convert function: it prepares the next representation required and sends it on to the matcher stage.)

For example, if we have a text file handle h, we can write something like this to get its contents as a string:

>>> h = FilesystemHandle.make_handle("/home/alec/demo.txt")
>>> convert(h.follow(source_manager), OutputType.Text)
'This is the content of the file.'

The specific implementation of the conversion will normally vary based on the type of the underlying object. Converting a text file to OutputType.Text is just a matter of opening it in text mode and calling its read function; converting an image file is trickier, and will involve a call to the Tesseract OCR engine behind the scenes -- but you don't need to care about that, because convert will automatically find the right implementation by interrogating the Resource's type:

>>> h2 = FilesystemHandle.make_handle("/home/alec/demo.png")
>>> convert(h2.follow(source_manager), OutputType.Text)
'This text was extracted with OCR.'

(convert does have a mime_override parameter, but this is normally not used outside of an interactive shell in a development environment.)

Contributing a conversion

The os2datascanner.engine2.conversions.registry package also defines a decorator, @conversion, that can be used to contribute a conversion for a specific MIME type (or a wildcard conversion, if MIME types aren't important). You could, for example, define a simple conversion from PDF to plain text by doing something like this:

import subprocess
from os2datascanner.engine2.conversions.types import OutputType
from os2datascanner.engine2.conversions.registry import conversion

@conversion(OutputType.Text, "application/pdf")
def textify_pdf(r):
    with r.make_path() as p:
        result =
                ["pdftotext", p, "-"],
                capture_output=True, check=True)
        return result.stdout.decode().strip()

When not to contribute a conversion

OS2datascanner doesn't actually have anything like that explicit conversion from PDF to text. It can scan PDF files, though, so how does that work?

There's a special piece of fallback logic in the pipeline's processor stage, that handles missing conversions by trying to treat an object with no conversion as a container for other objects. (Think of a Zip file: we could convert it to hexadecimal gibberish and claim that that's a text representation, but wouldn't it make more sense to open the Zip file and actually look at its actual contents?)

In general, structured documents like PDF files or office documents shouldn't have explicit conversions; instead, they should be defined as containers of simpler documents. For example, OS2datascanner considers a PDF file to be a container for zero or more pages, each of which is itself a container for a text file and zero or more embedded images. This has several advantages:

  • the caching infrastructure of SourceManager can be reused, so we don't need to run external commands more often than necessary
  • decomposing file formats into simpler ones means that every document type can benefit from optimisations to the common conversion functions
  • treating file formats as OS2datascanner containers means that our references can be very precise (the system can report a match in image on page 5 of document.pdf instead of just document.pdf)

(See for more information on how to implement Sources.)


The main consumer of conversions in the OS2datascanner pipeline is the matcher stage, which is in charge of running one or more SimpleRules before going back to the processor to ask for more conversions.

A SimpleRule is a very straightforward thing. At its core, all it needs to define is a class attribute that declares the representation that it expects (again as an OutputType), and a match() method that looks at that representation and yields zero or more dicts describing the matches that it found.

If we wanted to write a rudimentary SimpleRule that looked for payment card numbers, for example, it would look something like this:

def luhn_algorithm(num: str):
    """Computes the Luhn check digit for a given string of digits. (The last
    digit of virtually all credit and debit card numbers is a Luhn check
    double = (len(num) % 2 == 1)
    tot = 0
    for ch in num:
        v = int(ch) * (2 if double else 1)
        tot += sum(int(c) for c in str(v))
        double = not double
    return 10 - (tot % 10)

class CreditCardRule(SimpleRule):
    operates_on = OutputType.Text

    def __init__(self):
        self._expr = re.compile(
                r"[0-9]{4}([- ]?[0-9]{4}){3}")

    def match(self, representation: str):
        for mo in self._expr.finditer(representation):
            # Canonicalise the joiners away
            num = "".join(ch for ch in if ch.isdigit())

            # See if the check digit is what we expect
            if str(luhn_algorithm(num[:-1])) == num[-1]:
                yield {
                    "match": num

(Complicated) Rules

Quite a lot of OS2datascanner rules operate on several different types of conversions and represent complex boolean expressions. That doesn't sit well with SimpleRule, so how do those work?

This is where the parent class of SimpleRule, Rule, comes in. Rule doesn't actually have a match() method; instead, it has a method called split(), which breaks the object down into three things:

  • a SimpleRule (with a match method) to evaluate next, known as the head;
  • a Rule to continue with if and only if the SimpleRule produces some matches, known as the positive continuation; and
  • a second Rule to continue with if and only if the SimpleRule doesn't produce any matches, known as the negative continuation.

That is, you can't call match() on a Rule, but you can ask it for something you can call match() on -- and what you should do next with the result. This is enough to provide very efficient execution, using the technique known as short-circuiting: the only representations that OS2datascanner needs to compute are the ones that are required to reduce a Rule to a conclusion.

>>> rule = AndRule.make(RegexRule("dog"), RegexRule("cat"), CPRRule())
>>> (sr, pve, nve := rule.split())
(RegexRule("dog"), AndRule(RegexRule("cat"), CPRRule()), False)
>>> pve.split()  # If we find "dog", what would the next step be?
(RegexRule("cat"), CPRRule(), False)

(The thing that makes SimpleRules simple is actually just their implementation of split(): their positive and negative continuations are always True and False respectively. That is to say, they don't need to chain to another rule: they give you an answer immediately.)

>>> RegexRule("dog").split()
(RegexRule("dog"), True, False)

Fitting it all together

So, to recap:

  • objects can be converted into a specific representation (or recursively explored to find something that can be);
  • SimpleRules take a single representation and, according to their settings, find zero or more matches inside it; and
  • Rules bind together one or more SimpleRules into something that can express a complex search term, and can always be broken apart to give you the next step.

Pretending things aren't complicated

Rules may not have a match() method, but they do have a helper function called try_match(). This takes a function that can produce representations on demand (or a normal dict keyed on OutputType values) and reduces the rule as far as possible, given the representations that are available:

>>> r = OrRule.make(CPRRule(), RegexRule("dog"))
>>> representations = {
...     OutputType.Text.value: "Oh, good, I see a dog here"
... }
>>> conclusion, rules = r.try_match(representations)
>>> conclusion
>>> rules
[(CPRRule(), []), (RegexRule("dog"), [{'match': 'dog', 'offset': 18, 'context':
'Oh, good, I see a dog here', 'context_offset': 18, 'sensitivity': None}])]

Note that you also get the results of all the rules that didn't match when you use try_match() -- it gives you a faithful view of all the work done to arrive at the conclusion.

If your representation function can't provide a representation needed by try_match(), then it'll do as much as it can and will return the fragment that still needs to be evaluated...

>>> r = AndRule.make(LastModifiedRule("2023-08-01T00:00:00Z"), RegexRule("dog"))
>>> representations = {
...     OutputType.LastModified.value: "2023-08-01T00:01:00Z")
... }
>>> remaining, rules = r.try_match(representations)
>>> remaining
>>> rules
[(LastModifiedRule("2023-08-01T00:00:00Z"), [{"match": "2023-08-01T00:01:00Z"}])]

... so you can continue evaluation of the rule once the next representation is ready:

>>> representations[OutputType.Text.value] = "Oh, good, I see a dog here"
>>> conclusion, more_rules = remaining.try_match(representations)
>>> conclusion

(In the OS2datascanner pipeline, this is why the processor and matcher stages send messages back and forth: matcher asks processor for the next representation rather than running the conversion itself.)

The last trick try_match() has up its sleeve is a cache. No matter how many times a SimpleRule pops up during the execution of a Rule, try_match() will only ever evaluate it once:

>>> r = AndRule.make(
...         *[RegexRule("dog") for _ in range(0, 5000)])  # Many rules...
>>> representations = {
...     OutputType.Text.value: (
...             "What a good dog this is " + ("lorem ipsum " * 15000))
... }  # ... on a large text
>>> r.try_match(representations)
(True, [(RegexRule("dog"), [{'match': 'dog', 'offset': 12, 'context': 'What a
good dog this is lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem', 'context_offset':
12, 'sensitivity': None}])])

Other helper functions

All of the logical operators have one peculiar feature: you're not supposed to use their constructors. Instead, you should go through the factory class method called make.

These factory methods (which are also used internally when Rules get split) allow the logical operators to do some simplification. A logical operator with one argument, for example, is just reduced to that argument.

>>> ar = AndRule.make(CPRRule())
>>> or = OrRule.make(CPRRule())
>>> ar == or

This is also where short-circuiting is actually implemented. AndRule and OrRule can detect False and True respectively to stop their evaluation:

>>> AndRule.make(True, CPRRule(), VeryComplicatedRule(), False)
>>> OrRule.make(False, False, CPRRule(), VeryComplicatedRule(), True)

(Strictly speaking, the make methods implement something stronger than short-circuiting, as the element that forces a specific conclusion can occur anywhere in the list, not just at the beginning. In practice, though, OS2datascanner only ever consumes things from the beginning of the rule.)

There's also one other convenience function: make_if. OS2datascanner uses this to express conditional rules: the most common use of this in the codebase is "if this file is an image, then its dimensions mustn't be too small or too big". The implementation of this is simple enough to repeat here:

def make_if(predicate, then, else_):
    return OrRule.make(
        AndRule.make(predicate, then),
        AndRule.make(NotRule.make(predicate), else_),

Note that the predicate -- the "if this file is an image" part in the example above -- appears twice: once in a positive sense to gate the then branch, and once in a negative sense to gate the else_ branch. This may seem redundant, but remember what OrRule means: without the negation, it would be possible to escape into the else_ branch upon the failure of the then branch, which would be a rather useless conditional. ("If A then B, but if A and not B then... oh well, keep going"?)

Down but not up

One important detail to remember when building an OS2datascanner Rule is that the processor stage is allowed to recurse down into an object to look for more conversions, but is not allowed to go back up again. This makes the pipeline much more efficient, but it does bring one small complication with it.

Let's say you have an office document of some kind. Its text contains a CPR number, and it was last changed on the 1st of August 2023 at 10am. If you write the following rule, though, it will always succeed. Why?

    LastModifiedRule("2023-08-01T11:00:00Z")  # This is after 10am, surely?

The answer is that there's no direct conversion from your office document to OutputType.Text, so we had to invoke an external tool to recursively explore it, and that external tool's output files are fresh and so pass the LastModifiedRule test. Argh!

The good news, though, is that an efficiently implemented rule won't be impacted by this. If you reorder your rule to put cheap metadata tests at the start and expensive content tests at the end, that'll make sure that all of the metadata tests operate on the original file.

Executing a Rule

Let's take a real, complex rule, one that OS2datascanner might generate in a production system, and see how the system evaluates it:

                    range(32, 32),
                    range(16384, 16384),

We might express this rule in English as "the object has been changed after midnight on the 1st of August, and (if it's an image) then its dimensions are between 32x128 or 128x32 and 16384x16384, and a CPR number has been found in its text".

Let's also find all of the representation types we'll need to execute this rule...

>>> def yield_required_representations(r: Rule):
...     sr, *continuations = r.split()
...     yield sr.operates_on
...     for c in continuations:
...         if not isinstance(c, bool):
...             yield from yield_required_representations(c)
>>> set(yield_required_representations(rule))
{<OutputType.Text: 'text'>, <OutputType.LastModified: 'last-modified'>,
 <OutputType.ImageDimensions: 'image-dimensions'>}

... and specify some values for these:

>>> representations = {
...     OutputType.LastModified.value: "2023-08-01T00:01:00Z",
...     OutputType.ImageDimensions.value: None,
...     OutputType.Text.value: "My CPR number is 111111-1118"
... }
  1. Split the rule:
head +ve -ve
LastModifiedRule("2023-08-01T00:00:00Z") AndRule(OrRule(...), CPRRule()) False

As this rule is an AndRule, its positive continuation is "everything else" and its negative continuation is False -- that is, we can terminate execution immediately if the object is too old.

We look at the OutputType.LastModified value and find a newer timestamp. We record that match and continue.

  1. We found a match, so we split the positive continuation of the last rule:
head +ve -ve
HasConversionRule(OutputType.ImageDimensions) AndRule(DimensionsRule(...), CPRRule()) AndRule(NotRule(...), CPRRule())

Can we convert this object to an image? HasConversionRule looks at the OutputType.ImageDimensions value, finds None, and concludes that we cannot. We record this lack of a match and continue.

  1. Now we split the negative continuation of the last rule.
head +ve -ve
HasConversionRule(OutputType.ImageDimensions) False CPRRule()

As we discussed earlier, we have a NotRule here to make sure that images can't escape the dimensions test. We don't actually run HasConversionRule again, though, because we've already recorded its lack of a match.

Note that NotRule has disappeared! It's done its job, though: splitting it has given us a positive continuation that terminates immediately without a match, while only the negative match represents further work.

We reuse the lack of a match, from the last time we saw this HasConversionRule (not recording it a second time, though, because we don't need to), and continue.

  1. Once again, we split the negative continuation of the last rule.
head +ve -ve
CPRRule() True False

OK, this is it; after executing this rule, we'll have arrived at our conclusion.

CPRRule looks at our OutputType.Text value and finds a match: 111111-1118! We record this match and... stop, because we've arrived at a bool conclusion.

  1. We return the conclusion, along with all of the matches we found along the way.
>>> conclusion, matches = rule.try_match(representations)
>>> conclusion
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(matches)
 [{'match': '2023-08-01T00:01:00+0000'}]),
 [{'context': 'My CPR number is XXXXXX-XXXX',
   'context_offset': 17,
   'match': '1111XXXXXX',
   'offset': 17,
   'probability': 1.0,
   'sensitivity': None}])]