Release a new version of os2datascanner

First make sure to update the version variable and our changelog:

  • git checkout main
  • git pull
  • git checkout -b release/%VERSION%
  • Bump version in (os2datascanner/src/os2datascanner/
  • Update

Run translations and check migrations

  • Run django-admin command for translations
  • docker-compose run <report|admin> django-admin makemessages --all
  • If you have made translations in core_organizational_structure, you'll have to: docker-compose exec admin bash cd ../../core_organizational_structure/ ../projects/admin/ makemessages --all
  • Ensure migrations are up-to-date (checked by pipeline as well)
  • Commit changes
  • git push -u origin release/%VERSION%
  • Create merge request and fill in the git template

Once the MR has been approved and merged, push a new tag:

  • git checkout main
  • git pull
  • git tag %VERSION% # e.g. "3.11.2" or "3.11.2-rc"
  • git push --tags

Close existing GitLab milestone and create a new one.

These are found in the top "Menu" in the GitLab UI and are Group Milestone's. They are named according to release version. All current MRs will be on the "Next Release" milestone. Rename this to the version number, then close it. Create a new milestone named "Next Release". Start day is usually day of closing the previous and end day 14 days ahead.

Create a Release in GitLab

In the left-hand side of GitLab, click Deployments -> Releases and create a new one.

  • Provide tag
  • Release title from release notes
  • Set Milestone
  • Paste release notes into Release notes


Please make sure all Redmine issues that are included in the release have their status set to closed. Also, rename the "Next Release" edition to the version number. Create a new edition called "Next Release".