
OS2datascanner is composed of many services. Each service is packaged in Docker and can be run with any container orchestration system, such as docker-compose. For general information on using Docker and docker-compose, please refer to the official Docker documentation.

Docker services overview

As mentioned in the system overview, the OS2datascanner consists of three components, or modules. These are each responsible for one or more services in the system:

  • Admin-module: The application for the administration interface
    • Service: admin
    • Service: admin_collector
  • Engine-module: The services for each of the stages that make up the scanner engine:
    • Service: explorer
    • Service: processor
    • Service: matcher
    • Service: tagger
    • Service: exporter

processor, matcher and tagger can also be started as a single service, worker. This is the default (and recommended) configuration, as its cache use is much more efficient.

  • Report-module: The services concerning the report interface
    • Service: report
    • Service: report_collector

Furthermore, the system integrates with some backing services (some of which are optional):

  • PostgreSQL (databases)
  • RabbitMQ (message queues)
  • Optional:
    • Prometheus (storage and API for metrics)
    • Grafana (visualisation of metrics)

Docker images

All images related to OS2datascanner can be found on Magenta's Docker image repository, but here follows the images names for the three modules, with links to the module repositories:

Furthermore, we have made an adapted postgres image with dedicated users for the OS2datascanner system (to avoid giving root privileges to the OS2datascanner users in the postgres container):

This last image is made available for anyone who wishes to run their OS2datascaner databases in a Docker container, rather than directly on the host. The image allows for the two databases (one for the Admin-module, one for the Report-module) to be run from a single container or from a container each. It is configured through seven environment variables - the superuser and at least one set of three module-related variable are required:

# SUPERUSER password
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<super user password for postgres instance>

# Admin user
ADMIN_DATABASE_USER=<user name for admin module db user>
ADMIN_DATABASE_PASSWORD=<password for admin module db user>

# Report user
REPORT_DATABASE_USER=<user name for report module db user>
REPORT_DATABASE_PASSWORD=<password for report module db user>

System configuration

All three modules are configured using a TOML-file (one for each module) as described in the section on configuration. When installing using Docker, these files need to be mounted correctly as described below.

Running the system

OS2datascanner is a multi-service system, and as such also a multi-container system. It may be advantageous to run it using docker-compose. A docker-compose file for development is in the repository root.

Each service for the OS2datascanner system can be started using docker. Note that some configurations can be adapted to the individual host - we give the options required to parallel the setup in the following docker-compose.yml file for easier reference in the rest of the documentation.

Service Command
admin docker run -d -p 8020:5000 --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/admin-user-settings.toml,target=/user-settings.toml,readonly magentaaps/os2datascanner-admin
report docker run -d -p 8040:5000 --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/report-user-settings.toml,target=/user-settings.toml,readonly magentaaps/os2datascanner-report
report_collector docker run -d --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/report-user-settings.toml,target=/user-settings.toml,readonly -e OS2DS_SKIP_DJANGO_MIGRATIONS=1 magentaaps/os2datascanner-report python pipeline_collector
explorer docker run -d --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/engine-user-settings.toml,target=/user-settings.toml,readonly magentaaps/os2datascanner-engine explorer
processor docker run -d --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/engine-user-settings.toml,target=/user-settings.toml,readonly magentaaps/os2datascanner-engine processor
matcher docker run -d --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/engine-user-settings.toml,target=/user-settings.toml,readonly magentaaps/os2datascanner-engine matcher
tagger docker run -d --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/engine-user-settings.toml,target=/user-settings.toml,readonly magentaaps/os2datascanner-engine tagger
exporter docker run -d --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/engine-user-settings.toml,target=/user-settings.toml,readonly magentaaps/os2datascanner-engine exporter

Furthermore, OS2datascanner depends PostgreSQL for the two databases (one each for the Admin- and Report modules), and a RabbitMQ service. Both can be run directly on the host, or using docker images. Note that the configuration of OS2datascanner should match whichever set-up is chosen for the databases and message queue.