Shared components [WIP]

This is a WIP documenting how to use shared components in OSdatascanner. This will be updated whenever new components are ready.

Current categories [WIP]

Loosely based on what we already have in OSdatascanner and what terms are commonly used as industry standard:

Category Sub-components
Navigating within the application.
  • menus
  • breadcrumbs
  • tabs
  • pagination
  • sidebars
Allows users to enter data.
  • text fields
  • checkboxes
  • radio buttons
  • dropdowns
  • toggles
  • date pickers
  • file upload
Displays content and information to the user.
  • cards
  • lists
  • tables
  • accordions
Provides feedback in response to actions.
  • alerts
  • toasts
  • progress bars
  • modals
Manages the layout/state of child components.
  • modal containers
  • tab containers
  • accordions
  • panels
Provides additional info/options to users.
  • toolbars
  • tooltips
  • popovers
  • helper text
Primarily used for esthetic enhancement.
  • icons
  • dividers
  • decorative banners

Experimental categories [WIP]

Some components that could be interessting for us:

Category Sub-components
Defines the structure and layout of a page.
  • grids
  • containers
  • rows
  • columns
  • panels
Complex UI elements that encapsulate multiple
functionalities. Represent a higher level of abstraction.
Built by combining several other components.

Utility components

Here the individual utility components will be described as they get created.



The popover component is a reusable UI element designed to display additional information (like error messages or tips) in a floating, styled box when a user interacts with a trigger element (like an icon or text). It is primarily used to convey status messages or additional context about elements on the page.

Implementation Guide

  1. Context Preparation:
    • The popover component requires a context variable named popover_data to be passed to the template.
    • This variable should be a dictionary containing keys such as status, title, and subtitle.
    • Example of setting popover_data in a Django view:
popover_data = {
    'status': _("No action required:"),
    'title': _("A temporary error occurred during the latest check of this result. OSdatascanner will automatically check this result again as part of the next scan."),
    'subtitle': _("Additional details if any."),
context["popover_data"] = popover_data
  1. HTML Structure:
    • Include the popover component in the HTML where it needs to be displayed.
    • Use a trigger element with a class popover__trigger-element and a unique data-popover-id.
    • The actual popover content should be wrapped in a <div> with an id matching the data-popover-id of the trigger.
    • Example of HTML structure:
<i class="material-icons popover__trigger-element" data-popover-id="popover-example">info</i>
<div id="popover-example" class="popover popover--[modifier]">
    {% include "components/modals/popover_component.html" with popover_data=popover_data %}
  1. SCSS and JavaScript:

    • Ensure that the relevant SCSS and JavaScript files are included in the template to handle the styling and interactivity of the popover.
    • The popover is hidden by default and displayed when the trigger element is interacted with (on hover).
    • Additional themes can be added to the popover container with the BEM modifier prefix --[custom modifier]. At the moment, the only available modifier is --yellow.
  2. Customization:

    • The popover component can be customized by passing different values in the popover_data dictionary.
    • Developers can add additional keys to popover_data for more dynamic content.
  3. Localization:

    • Text within the popover supports localization. Use Django’s gettext function (_("Your text here")) to ensure the content is localizable.
  • Best Practices
    • Keep the popover content concise and informative.
    • Use the component for supplementary information that does not require immediate action, keeping the primary content of the page clear and uncluttered.
    • Test the popover for accessibility, ensuring it is readable and reachable via keyboard navigation.

Future development [WIP]

We are currently working on creating a /shared/templates/components sibling-directive to Admin and Report. To begin with it'll house shared components, but it's not unlikely that it could end up containing all shared template files. Stay tuned for updates.

Frontend's Notes on "Modals" [WIP]

We currently use "modals" for anything and everything "pop up-ish" - which c a n work, but I'd suggest we start being more conscise in how we name/categorize our "pop-ups". Conventionally regular modals and our "modals" fall under the component category: Feedback.

Feedback [WIP]

Feedback: used to provide feedback to the user in response to their actions.
* Alerts
    * Success messages
    * Error messages
    * Warnings
* Toasts
* Progress bars
* Modals