
The OS2datascanner system is configured using .toml-files - one for each module. Most configuration settings come with reasonable defaults and need not be changed for a standard set-up, but most can be adjusted as needed, and a few must be given in order for the system to work. Below follows minimal examples for each module.

Configuration for the Admin-module

An almost minimal example of the admin-user-settings.toml configuration file:

SECRET_KEY = "<some secret key - see Django documentation>"
DECRYPTION_HEX = "<hex value of 32 random bytes for en-/decryption>"

# [site]
# The URL of this site, used in links in emails and in the redirect URL for
# OAuth 2.0 services. (This value should end with a forward slash.)
SITE_URL = "<domain url for admin module>"
# See the official Django documentation for details on ALLOWED_HOSTS

# [scans] All scans are disabled by default, enable only the ones to use

# [email]
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "<email address used as sender from the system>"
ADMIN_EMAIL = "<email address for sys-admin>"
EMAIL_HOST = "<host name of email service>"

# Nested amqp settings are picked up by the common amqp utility module
AMQP_HOST = "<amqp service name>"
AMQP_USER = "<amqp user name>"
AMQP_PWD = "<amqp user password>"


    ENGINE = "django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2"
    NAME = "os2datascanner_admin"
    USER = "<user name for dedicated admin db-user>"
    PASSWORD = "<user password for dedicated admin db-user>"
    HOST = "<database service name>"

Keycloak Settings

These settings are not mandatory for running the admin module, but can be used to enable LDAP import of users and hierarchy.

A prerequisite for this functionality is running and configuring a Keycloak instance. OS2datascanner contains a Keycloak installation that can be used, but using an external installation is also possible.

To configure the admin module's Keycloak functionality the following settings must be set.

# [keycloak]
KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL = "" # Host url for Keycloak
KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_CLIENT = "" # Admin client to use Keycloak's API to perform actions
KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_SECRET = "" # Admin client secret for authenticating 

Configuration for the Engine components

A minimal example of the enginge-user-settings.toml configuration file:

# Nested amqp settings are picked up by the common amqp utility module
AMQP_HOST = "<amqp service name>"
AMQP_USER = "<amqp user name>"
AMQP_PWD = "<amqp user password>"

Each container also accepts the following environment variables:

Variable Values Default
LOG_LEVEL critical, error, warn, warning, info, debug info
ENABLE_PROFILING true, false false
EXPORT_METRICS true, false false
PROMETHEUS_PORT port number 9091
WIDTH size (int) 3
SCHEDULE_ON_CPU cpu (int) None
RESTART_AFTER Message count (int) None

Configuration for the Report-module

An almost minimal example of the report-user-settings.toml configuration file can be seen below. Please note: the metadata settings for SAML2_AUTH are mutually exclusive, and you should only ever set one of them.

SECRET_KEY = "<some secret key - see Django documentation>"

# [site]
# The URL of this site, used in links in emails and in the redirect URL for
# OAuth 2.0 services. (This value should end with a forward slash.)
SITE_URL = "<domain url for admin module>"
# See the official Django documentation for details on ALLOWED_HOSTS

# [installation]
# The name of the institution, to be included in the notification signoff
NOTIFICATION_INSTITUTION = '<organisation name>'

# [email]
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "<email address used as sender from the system>"
ADMIN_EMAIL = "<email address for sys-admin>"
EMAIL_HOST = "<host name of email service>"

# Nested amqp settings are picked up by the common amqp utility module
AMQP_HOST = "<amqp service name>"
AMQP_USER = "<amqp user name>"
AMQP_PWD = "<amqp user password>"


    ENGINE = "django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2"
    NAME = "os2datascanner_admin"
    USER = "<user name for dedicated admin db-user>"
    PASSWORD = "<user password for dedicated admin db-user>"
    HOST = "<database service name>"

# The full documentation can be found here:

# Metadata is required
# NB!!  Choose EITHER remote url or local file path
METADATA_AUTO_CONF_URL = '[The auto(dynamic) metadata configuration URL of SAML2]'
METADATA_LOCAL_FILE_PATH = '[The metadata configuration file path]'


OS2datascanner - Single Sign On via SAML 2.0

The OS2datascanner report module must have the following details from the organisation's identity provider in order for SSO logins to work:

  • The federation metadata file (or a URL to find it).
  • Logout Response URL.
  • NameID Format.

In turn, the identity provider must have the following details from the OS2datascanner installation:

  • Entity ID: https://os2datascanner.installation.domain/saml2_auth/acs/
  • Reply URL: https://os2datascanner.installation.domain/saml2_auth/acs/
  • Logout URL: https://os2datascanner.installation.domain/accounts/logout/
  • User attributes:
    • username:,
    • first_name:,
    • last_name:,
    • sid:,
  • The public key of the OS2datascanner installation's certificate, for SAML authentication


The two Django apps and the API use Gunicorn to serve web requests. By default Gunicorn starts up CPU_COUNT*2+1 workers. To override this default use the GUNICORN_WORKERS environment variable. Eg. GUNICORN_WORKERS=2.