
The repository contains a Dockerfile for each of the OS2datascanner modules:

  • Administration: docker/admin/Dockerfile
  • Engine: docker/engine/Dockerfile
  • Report: docker/report/Dockerfile

Using these is the recommended way to install OS2datascanner as a developer.

To run OS2datascanner in Docker, you need a running Docker daemon. See the official Docker documentation <> for installation instructions.

The containers for the Admin and Report modules require a connection to a postgres database server. It is configured with the DATABASE_* settings. The database server must have a user and a database object. It can be created with the help of the scripts in the /docker/postgres-initdb.d/ folder:

  • docker/postgres-initdb.d/
  • docker/postgres-initdb.d/

The folder can easily be mounted into /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ in the official postgres docker image, and further contains a script to ensure that all relevant environment variables have been passed to the container:

  • docker/postgres-initdb.d/

To run a fully functional OS2datascanner system, you will need to start a number of services. The recommended way to set up an appropriate development environment is to use docker-compose.

User permissions

Each Dockerfile creates a dedicated user, and any services started are run as the user created by the related Dockerfile. All files generated by such a service will be owned by the respective user. For each user, the UID and GID are identical:

  • Administration: 73020
  • Engine: 73030
  • Report: 73040

If you want to use another UID/GID, you can specify it as the --user=uid:gid overwrite flag for the docker run command or in docker-compose. If you change the UID/GID, the /log and /static volumes may not have the right permissions. It is recommended to only use bind if you overwrite the user and set the same user as owner of the directory you bind.

Postgres initialisation

The postgres database is initialized using the scripts included in docker/postgres-initdb.d/ folder, which checks that the configuration is valid, and adds postgres users for the modules that need them. They do not populate the database with users for the django modules or any other data.