Datascanner frontend architecture


Presently, Datascanner's main web GUIs are the admin and report modules. The source code for both resides in src/os2datascanner/projects.

HTML markup

Markup is mostly generated using Django templates.

Shared static resources

The static resources are located in src/os2datascanner/projects/static. Django is configured to look in this path (actually on the corresponding dist path in the Docker container) when it collects static resources. This allows both apps to use the same set of static resources without having to maintain duplicate copies.

Webpack setup

Static resources are bundled up via Webpack and output in a dist subfolder to src/os2datascanner/projects/static; consult src/os2datascanner/projects/static/webpack.base.js for the configuration. Note that since the JS code isn't really modularized, most of what Webpack does is statically copy over the folders js†, 3rdparty, admin, css, favicons, fonts, recurrence and svg with CopyWebpackPlugin. † The exception to the JS files is the file index.js which serves as the Webpack entry point. Finally, the scss folder is also not copied over, as its contents need to be transpiled into CSS first. This is achieved by importing master.scss into index.js and then using sass-loader for Webpack to handle that import statement.

For hot reloading to work, we define the CMD ["npm", "run", "dev", "--prefix", "static"] in /docker/admin/Dockerfile (and /docker/report/Dockerfile). This CMD is defined in the frontend stage of those Dockerfiles and will boot up a webpack dev server that listens for changes to the static frontend files. We stop at that stage in development when using the frontend service; consult /docker-compose.yml. This means that we can then mount in the static files from the host into the frontend container, and the webpack dev server will refresh when we edit the files on the host. Since the dist folder that webpack outputs its files to is shared with the admin and report services (our two Django apps), changes to the static files will automatically be picked up by Django.

For all this to work, however, we need to explicitly define /code/src/os2datascanner/projects/static/node_modules/ as volumes in the frontend service. If we don't, mounting in the static directory from the host into the container will lead to errors, if the directory of the host doesn't contain a node_modules folder (which it won't, unless you happened to run npm install on the host). The caveat to this is that if you install new dependencies with npm on the host (which will make them appear in the host's node_modules folder), they won't automatically appear in the container's node_modules. You need to rebuild the frontend and boot up the container again. docker-compose up --build -d frontend should do the trick.

CSS styling

An effort has been made to establish SASS as the guiding workflow for CSS builds but it is mixed with other approaches. Amongst others:

  • CSS built from SASS and bundled up via Webpack (via plugins)
  • CSS imported directly or from 3rd parties


A minimal set of JS is bundled as described in "Shared static resources" above. Other scripts are just added via script tags in the Django templates.

Admin app also includes Bootstrap Javascript but without the accompanying bootstrap.css

  • Package management npm. At the time of writing, NPM packages are exclusively used for the bundling setup (you'll only see devDependencies in package.json, no dependencies). JS code imports no modules.
  • Old browser support Babel is currently neither installed nor configured. IE support is achieved via conditional comments in <head>.


Admin and Report app use the "Inter" font.


Admin and Report app use Google's Material Icons and in some cases custom SVG icons. For more info see the icon guide here

Build & package management

Webpack is used for building frontend assets.

Admin app specifics

  • Django template files
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/admin/adminapp/templates
  • Templates that load JS
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/admin/adminapp/templates/components/user.html
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/admin/adminapp/templates/os2datascanner/regexrule_form.html
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/admin/adminapp/templates/os2datascanner/rules.html
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/admin/adminapp/templates/os2datascanner/scanner_askrun.html
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/admin/adminapp/templates/os2datascanner/scanner_form.html
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/admin/adminapp/templates/os2datascanner/scanner_run.html
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/admin/adminapp/templates/os2datascanner/scanners.html
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/admin/adminapp/templates/partials/base.html
  • Templates that load CSS
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/admin/adminapp/templates/os2datascanner/scanner_form.html
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/admin/adminapp/templates/partials/base.html

Report app specifics

  • Django template files
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/report/reportapp/templates
  • Templates that load JS
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/report/reportapp/templates/components/user.html
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/report/reportapp/templates/partials/header.html
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/report/reportapp/templates/partials/scripts.html
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/report/reportapp/templates/statistics.html
  • Templates that load CSS
    • src/os2datascanner/projects/report/reportapp/templates/partials/header.html

TODOS for a simpler frontend architecture

Decisions to make:

  • IE11-support by Babel/bundling vs. IE11 by old school coding (no bundling)?
  • JS bundling vs decentralised JS (see above)?

One hybrid approach includes both bundling and decentralized code:

  1. Decide on what is core JS/CSS. Bundle only that. Embed it on every page (base|index.html). Adding eventlisteners to certain elements is probably not core.
  2. Load component-specific JS/CSS from their specific templates. Use script/styling/extra_head blocks. Most eventlisteners go here.
  3. Put component-specific JS/CSS/SCSS with related templates (if possible)
  4. Decide on what icon system to use. Use only that.