Table Guide [WIP]


This is an ongoing project, so be mindfull that changes might occur.

Semantic structure

<div class="datatable__card-container">
  <div class="datatable__wrapper">
    <table class="datatable [table ID]-table">
        <tr class="datatable__row">
          <th class="column column--[column ID]">
            {% trans "[column label]"|capfirst %}

          <!-- Other table headers here -->

      {% if [dataset] %}


          {% for [data] in [dataset] %}

            <tr class="datatable__row">
              <td class="column column--[column ID]">
                {{ [data].[ID tag] }}

              <!-- Other data cells here -->

          {% endfor %}


      {% endif %}


Required attributes

All tables in OSdatascanner consists of two sets of style classes:

  • General classes, that apply styling to all tables:
    • .datatable__card-container, .datatable__wrapper, .datatable, and .datatable__row
  • Individual classes, that define local only styling for each table:
    • .[table ID]-table, .column, and .column--[column ID]
HTML Tag Class Reason
<div> datatable__card-container Sets the background and "contains" the table
<div> datatable__wrapper Handles scroll behaviour
<table> datatable
[table ID]-table
General styling + specific styling for this table
<tr> datatable__row Handles general styling for <th> and <td>
column--[column ID]
Handles unique styling for individual columns

Creating a new table

This process consists of two phases:

  • Constructing the HTML table and naming the elements
  • Constructing the SCSS section for this specific table

It doesn't matter with order these are done in as long as their classes match.

Constructing the HTML

  1. Build the new table according to the standard semantic structure seen above.
  2. Name the table identifier something that both make sense and is unique for this table, and combine it with a "-table" suffix, e.g. .org-table.
  3. Name each column identifier something relevant to the content type, e.g. .column--import.

Constructing the SCSS

Whenever we create a new table, we need to consider the following:

  • The prefered min-width for this specific table:
    The layout has to work at this width. The min-width will be the base for the math required to define the width of each column.
  • If this table requires a column with a fixed width:
    (e.g. if theres a column with check boxes or action buttons).
    There should only ever be a maximum of two "fixed width" columns per table and they should be placed at one or either ends of the table.
  • The width for each table column in percentages:
    The percentage of the total table width we want each individual column to fill. This will depend on the content for each cell and can require some tweaking during development.
    (Note: if there's a "fixed" width column in the table, then it is not counted as a part of the 100% for the total table width. More on this later.)

The architecture of an SCSS section

In _datatable.scss you should find different sections for each table inside each module like so:

// ************************************************
// ************************************************
// ********** TABLES IN THE ADMIN MODULE **********
// ************************************************
// ************************************************

// SCSS vars for über precise and responsive column widths:
$sidemenu_and_content: calc(var(--width-sidemenu) + var(--padding-content));
$relative_table_width: calc(100vw - #{$sidemenu_and_content});

// The example block below is what we need to create for each table

// *************************
// ***** EXAMPLE TABLE *****
// *************************

.example-table {
  // This table has 4 columns with flexible widths and no fixed columns. There 
  // will be a separate example showcasing how to style tables with fixed columns.

  // Table SCSS vars:
  $table_width: $relative_table_width; 
  $table_min-width: 70rem; // The size for this specific table

  // In this table we want columns that take up 15%, 20%, 25%, and 40% of the total 
  // table width:

  // Column SCSS vars:
  $width_15: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.15); // Responsive column size
  $min-width_15: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.15); // 70rem * 0.15

  $width_20: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.2); // Responsive column size
  $min-width_20: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.2); // 70rem * 0.2

  $width_25: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.25); // Responsive column size
  $min-width_25: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.25); // 70rem * 0.25

  $width_40: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.4); // Responsive column size
  $min-width_40: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.4); // 70rem * 0.4

  // Styles:
  min-width: $table_min-width;

  .column {
    &--name {
      // We want this column to take up 25% of the table, so we need $width_25 
      // and $min-width_25

      // Because HTML tables aren't reliably complying with the "min-width" attribute, 
      // we're using "clamp(min, val, max)" to set a range for the column widths:

      width: clamp(calc(#{$min-width_25}), calc(#{$width_25}), calc(#{$width_25}));

      // "clamp()" requires 3 parameters:
        // "min" --> the lower bound of the allowed range 
        // "val" --> the preferred value
        // "max" --> the upper bound of the allowed range

      // As we're only interessted in defining a min-width, we're letting "val" and 
      // "max" be the same value.

    &--date {
      width: clamp(calc(#{$min-width_15}), calc(#{$width_15}), calc(#{$width_15}));

    &--description {
      width: clamp(calc(#{$min-width_40}), calc(#{$width_40}), calc(#{$width_40}));

    &--email { 
      width: clamp(calc(#{$min-width_20}), calc(#{$width_20}), calc(#{$width_20}));

There are module dependant sizes, which will be defined locally as SCSS vars, and we use these to calculate relative widths inside each style section. E.g. in Admin we have a fixed width for the sidemenu and content padding, so we use these to calculate the relative width of the table - to then later use these to calculate the percentages for each table.

We're hardcoding the percentages this way, because html table elements won't accept attributes like min-width: 40%; without having a fixed and well defined width for their parent element. Tables are silly that way.

Example table with fixed-width columns

Starting with an example; let's say we have a table with four columns like the one below

// *********************************************
// *********************************************

.fixed-table {
  // This table has 5 columns with flexible widths and 1 column with fixed width. 

  // Table SCSS vars:
  $fixed-column_width: 10rem; // The "fixed" column of this specific table
  $table_width: calc(#{$relative_table_width} - #{$fixed-column_width}); 
  $table_min-width: 70rem; // The size for this specific table

  // In this example we want columns that take up 15%, 20%, and 30% of the remaining 
  // width of the table:

  $width_15: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.15); // Responsive column size
  $min-width_15: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.15); // 75rem * 0.15

  $width_20: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.2); // Responsive column size
  $min-width_20: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.2); // 75rem * 0.2

  $width_30: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.3); // Responsive column size
  $min-width_30: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.3); // 75rem * 0.3

  // This is not "perfect" math but life's too short for unnecessarily complicated 
  // SCSS calculations just to have good looking table columns.

  // Styles:
  min-width: $table_min-width;

  .column {
    &--org {
      width: clamp(calc(#{$min-width_20}), calc(#{$width_20}), calc(#{$width_20}));

    &--email {
      width: clamp(calc(#{$min-width_15}), calc(#{$width_15}), calc(#{$width_15}));

    &--import {
      width: clamp(calc(#{$min-width_30}), calc(#{$width_30}), calc(#{$width_30}));

    &--actions { // The "fixed" column of this specific table
      width: $fixed-column_width;

Table templates


<div class="datatable__card-container">
  <div class="datatable__wrapper">
    <table class="datatable [tableID]-table">
        <tr class="datatable__row">
          <th class="column column--[columnID]">
            {% trans "[label]"|capfirst %}

          <!-- Other table headers here -->

        <tr class="datatable__row">
          <td class="column column--[columnID]"></td>

          <!-- Other data cells here -->

SCSS for tables with flexible columns

// ****************************************************
// ****************************************************

.example-table {
  // Table SCSS vars:
  $table_width: $relative_table_width; 
  $table_min-width: [table size]rem; // The size for this specific table

  // Column SCSS vars:
  $width_10: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.1);
  $min-width_10: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.1);

  $width_15: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.15);
  $min-width_15: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.15);

  $width_20: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.2);
  $min-width_20: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.2);

  $width_25: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.25);
  $min-width_25: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.25);

  $width_30: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.3);
  $min-width_30: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.3);

  $width_35: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.35);
  $min-width_35: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.35);

  $width_40: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.4);
  $min-width_40: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.4);

  $width_45: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.45);
  $min-width_45: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.45);

  $width_50: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.5);
  $min-width_50: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.5);

  $width_55: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.55);
  $min-width_55: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.55);  
  /* NOTE: delete all unused vars after setup */

  // Styles:
  min-width: $table_min-width;

  .column {
    &--[columnID] {
      width: clamp(calc(#{$min-width_10}), calc(#{$width_10}), calc(#{$width_10}));

    /* Other column styles here */

SCSS for tables with a fixed column

// *********************************************
// *********************************************

.fixed-table {
  // Table SCSS vars:
  $fixed-column_width: [fixed column size]rem; // The "fixed" column of this specific table
  $table_width: calc(#{$relative_table_width} - #{$fixed-column_width}); 
  $table_min-width: [table size]rem; // The size for this specific table

  // Column SCSS vars:
  $width_10: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.1);
  $min-width_10: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.1);

  $width_15: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.15);
  $min-width_15: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.15);

  $width_20: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.2);
  $min-width_20: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.2);

  $width_25: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.25);
  $min-width_25: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.25);

  $width_30: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.3);
  $min-width_30: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.3);

  $width_35: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.35);
  $min-width_35: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.35);

  $width_40: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.4);
  $min-width_40: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.4);

  $width_45: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.45);
  $min-width_45: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.45);

  $width_50: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.5);
  $min-width_50: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.5);

  $width_55: calc(#{$table_width} * 0.55);
  $min-width_55: calc(#{$table_min-width} * 0.55);  
  /* NOTE: delete all unused vars after setup */

  // Styles:
  min-width: $table_min-width;

  .column {
    &--[columnID] {
      width: clamp(calc(#{$min-width_10}), calc(#{$width_10}), calc(#{$width_10}));

    /* Other column styles here */

    &--[columnID] { // The "fixed" column of this specific table
      width: $fixed-column_width;