Management Commands

OS2datascanner consists of multiple Django apps, and each Django app can register their own actions with

In our project, we have multiple such actions/commands registered.

Custom commands must be created in the correct path (<app>/management/commands) of the Django app they concern.

More information regarding how to create custom commands, can be found in Django's documentation (3.2)

Quick guide to command execution

In general, to execute these commands, do one of the following, dependent on whether your container is already running:

Container running: docker-compose exec <app> django-admin <command>

Container not running: docker-compose run <app> django-admin <command>

Admin application


This command lists all scanner jobs and the following attributes:

  • Primary Key
  • Name
  • Start time
  • Number of objects scanned
  • Scan status (as a bool)
  • Checkup messages (as count())

To execute this command run: docker-compose exec admin python list_scannerjobs


This command is used to set up an initial client, organization, and superuser. The client and organization can be given a name using --client-name and --org-name respectively, and if no name is given, they will take the name from settings.NOTIFICATION_INSTITUTION. The name of the user and corresponding account can be set with --username. "os" is the default value for username.

If a client, organization, or user with the given name already exists, the command will fail, and you will have to call it again with unused names.

The available arguments are:

  • --phone <phone number>, sets client contact phone number
  • --email <email adress>, sets client contact email adress
  • --username <username>, sets username for created user and corresponding account. Default: "os"
  • --client-name <client name>, sets name of created client
  • --org-name <organization name>, sets name of created organization
  • --password <password>, sets password for superuser

The corresponding command in the Report module needs to be run after this to update the created user for use in the Report module.


This command is only intended for getting a developer environment up-and-running quickly. It creates a user named dev with the password dev and registers the Samba share from the docker-compose dev env as a filescan.

There is a corresponding command in the Report module.


This command is used to interact with a running pipeline by sending it a prioritised "command message" that pipeline components can react to.

Currently, the command can be used to abort running scans, to change the log log level of the live system, and to obtain profiling information from live processes.


This command is used to delete all document reports of a specified account and scanner job. The command is primarily intended for programmatic use, but can be called manually.

The command must include the following options:

  • --accounts followed by space-separated UUIDs or usernames of existing accounts.

  • --scanners followed by space-separated primary keys of existing scanners.


This command is used to give basic information about some objects in the database. The tool will warn you about certain broken objects or known issues, such as Account objects with an empty string as a username. The intended use is an initial automatic analysis of the database, which hopefully leads to some useful information for further debugging.

The command can be called with the --only option, followed by one or more of the following arguments:

  • "Account"
  • "Alias"
  • "OrganizationalUnit"
  • "Organization"
  • "UserErrorLog"
  • "Rule"

Abort a scan

To abort a scan, use one of the following flags:

Flag Help
--abort-scantag the tag of a running scan that should be stopped
--abort-scannerjob the primary key of a scanner job whose most recent scan should be stopped
--abort-scanstatus the primary key of a ScanStatus object whose scan should be stopped

Change the log level

To change the log level of the running pipeline, use --log-level=LEVEL where LEVEL can be any of critical, error, warn, warning, info or debug.

Switch profiling on and off

To enable runtime profiling for pipeline components, use the --profile parameter. To switch it off again, use --no-profile.

While runtime profiling is enabled, Python's cProfile profiler will record details of what each pipeline process is doing and how long it takes. Disabling runtime profiling will print the active profile to the log (sorted by the total time spent in each function call) before clearing it and switching the profiler off.

Attempting to enable runtime profiling while it's already enabled (that is, calling pipelinectl --profile twice) will print and clear the active profile, effectively resetting the profiler without switching it off.

Report application


Provided a PK of a scanner job finds associated document reports and lists:

  • Scanner job name & PK
  • Total message count
  • Problem message count
  • Match message count
  • Mimetype info and count on messages

To execute this command run: docker-compose exec report python scannerjob_info <PK>


This command should only be used after running the corresponding command in the admin module.

This command updates the user created by running initial_setup in the admin module.

The available arguments are:

  • --username <username>, <username> must be the same username used in the admin module
  • --password <password>, sets the password of the superuser


This command is only intended for getting a developer environment up-and-running quickly. It creates a user named dev with the password dev and registers the user as remediator.

There is a corresponding command in the Admin module.


List the problem messages for a scanner job.

Optionally takes a --head argument to limit the output.

To execute this command run: docker-compose exec report django-admin list_problems <PK>


Randomizes and creates new data types to populate document reports.

To execute this command run: docker-compose exec report python makefake args: --scan-count = amount of scans (default: random amount between 5 and 10) --page-count = amount of pages where at least 1 match will be found (default: random amount between 5 and 10)


creates and runs 2 (limited by gitlabs runners max timeout) scans and then measures the average time a scan takes. Also generates a report with cProfile that informs about which methods have used how much time. However the report only monitors the admin module when run. In the future the reports generated in the pipeline should contain information about the engine components. the location of the output is a .prof file located in /src/datascanner/ of the project dir. The .prof file is used with snakeviz( pip install snakeviz), to give an icicle visualization of the performance of the scan. To see the visualization: snakeviz {report_location}/

To execute this command run: docker-compose exec -u 0 admin python performance_measurement


This command is used to give basic information about some objects in the database. The tool will warn you about certain broken objects or known issues, such as Account objects with an empty string as a username. The intended use is an initial automatic analysis of the database, which hopefully leads to some useful information for further debugging.

The command can be called with the --only option, followed by one or more of the following arguments:

  • "Account"
  • "Alias"
  • "OrganizationalUnit"
  • "Organization"
  • "DocumentReport"
  • "Problem"