Button Guide

Here you can find a guide on how to construct a button for OSdatascanner anno Jan'24.

When to use <button> VS. <a>

  • Use <button> when the button should:
    • Submit a form.
    • Trigger one or more JavaScript functions.
    • Toggle or interact with objects on the same page (e.g., open a modal or a dropdown menu).
  • Use <a> when the button should:
    • Serve as a navigation UI to another page.
    • Link to a different place on the same page.
    • Start a download or link to files (e.g., PDFs).

A good rule of thumb for using <a> tags for UI objects:

Is it a link to anything? > No? > Use <button> instead.

Required attributes

HTML Tag Attribute Reason
any class Styling - All buttons should have at least the button class.
any aria-label Accessibility - This text is read aloud by screenreaders.
any title Toolhint - Displays on hover to elaborate on function.
<button> type Functionality - Defines button behavior in forms and prevents unintended
<a> href Navigation - Specifies the destination URL for the link.

Semantic structure

To ensure all required attributes are included, list them first. This is especially helpful for those less familiar with your code, as it prioritizes the element's purpose (type/href).

<button type="button"
        class="button button--outline-button button--icon-text-button"
        aria-label="descriptive text that makes sense for a user with visual impairment"
        title="text that elaborates on function (i.e. toolhint)"
        <!-- other attributes -->
    <span>your button text</span>
    <i id="icon_name" class="material-icons">icon_name</i>
<a href="../relative_path/to_whereever/this_should/link_to/"
   class="button button--outline-button button--icon-text-button"
   aria-label="descriptive text that makes sense for a user with visual impairment"
   title="text that elaborates on function (i.e. toolhint)"
   <!-- other attributes -->
    <span>your button text</span>
    <i id="icon_name" class="material-icons">icon_name</i>

These blocks render identically in a browser; the only difference is their functionality.

Additionally, wrapping text strings with <span> tags or similar is considered good practice:

It is benificial for targeted styling and JavaScript interaction, improving accessibility by allowing screen readers to interpret text more effectively, and ensuring maintainability and modularity in web development.

This practice enables precise styling adjustments and script interactions for specific text segments without affecting the entire element, thereby enhancing both the functionality and the accessibility of web content.

Button styling - a developer guide

All button style classes follow the BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) naming convention for easy identification and navigation within unfamiliar code.

Intro to _buttons.SCSS

The document accommodates all current styling types used in OSdatascanner. It includes content-based style classes (like icon, icon+text, and text) which handle box-model related styles e.g., for buttons nested inside table cells.

Button design reference

The table below serves as a quick reference guide for UI development when working without a mock-up, providing key insights on button types, their visual weight, and appropriate use cases.

Design Label Type Visual weight Use case
N/A Standard Moderate/low Neutral - For actions, that are neither urgent
nor secondary.
Primary CTA High "Call to Action" - Draws attention and prompts
user to take an important action.
Secondary Outline Moderate For less prominent actions, that are secondary
but still necessary.
N/A Transparent Low When the button needs to blend with the
background or for a minimalistic design approach.
N/A Rounded Variable For a friendly and approachable interface.
Suitable for both primary and secondary actions,
depending on size, color, and placement.

Class list

Here's an overview of class combinations and their use cases:

UI Appearance Type Classes
standard button Standard button
cta button CTA button button--cta-button
outlined button Outline button button--outline-button
transparent button Transparent button button--transparent-button
caret button caret button Caret/expand button button--caret-button
{% if order_by == 'scan_status' and order == 'descending' %} up {% endif %}
rounded button Rounded button button--rounded-button
standard icon button standard icon button Standard | Icon button button--icon-button
standard icon+text button Standard | Icon+text button button--icon-text-button
standard text button Standard | Text button button--text-button
cta icon+text cta | Icon+text button button--cta-button
outline icon button Outline | Icon button button--outline-button
outline icon+text Outline | Icon+text button button--outline-button
outline text button Outline | Text button button--outline-button

Multiple buttons in same UI block

Place them inside a <div> container (if they're not already) and give it the class button-group like so:

<div class="button-group other_class">
    <a href="#action1"
       class="button button--icon-button"
       aria-label="descriptive text"
       <!-- other attributes -->
        <i id="icon_name" class="material-icons">icon_name</i>
    <button type="button"
            class="button button--icon-button"
            aria-label="descriptive text"
            <!-- other attributes -->
        <i id="icon_name" class="material-icons">icon_name</i>

    <!-- Additional buttons can be added similarly -->


This arrangement handles the relative layout of multiple button-related objects and suits most use cases for button groups in OSdatascanner.