Role, Special roles, and Alias

There are different roles and alias types in the OS2datascanner system. Each role or alias has different permissions and responsibilities through both the Admin- and Report module.

All of the database objects that control this behaviour are managed through the administration module and are automatically reflected (in a read-only form) to the report module.

These objects are usually created and updated by automatically importing them from external directory systems, but you can also create your own from within OS2datascanner -- or add some extras on top of an imported directory.


OS2datascanner uses a simplified form of Role-Based Access Control to determine what functions a user should have access to.

Roles are assigned through the Position object. Each Position specifies a type of role: employee, manager or data protection officer. It relates an Account object with that role to an OrganizationalUnit, which is a component of the organizational hierarchy. This means a user can have different roles in different contexts: someone may be a manager of one department, a DPO of a second, and a normal employee of a third.

Roles are meant to provide a more structured organization by granting some roles access to different features in the system.


The Employee role specifies that an account should be scanned if the related organizational unit is specified in an account-based scannerjob. For example, an O365 mailscanner specifying three organizational units will scan all accounts related to those units through Position-objects with the "employee" role.

Assigning an Employee

When importing an organizational structure from an external directory system, employee roles are automatically assigned to all users.

If an employee is to be assigned manually, it can be done through the Django administration system, available through the Administration tab in the admin module. From here, select Positions under Organizations.

When adding an employee, you must choose an account to receive the role and then the organizational unit they should be assigned to. Lastly, select employee from the role dropdown.

Note: Only superusers can assign the employee role manually. See the "Special Roles" section further down for more information.


The manager role gives access to a page called "Leader overview" in the report module. On the leader overview page, a manager is presented with a list of all employees associated with the relevant organizational unit.

The manager can see how the individual employee fares in handling matches they have received in the past year.

The leader overview page lists each employee with a "status". An employee can have 1 of 3 statuses:

  • Completed: All matches the employee received have been handled.
  • Accepted: 75% of matches the employee received the past 3 weeks have been handled.
  • Not Accepted: Less than 75% of matches the employee has received the past 3 weeks have been handled.

When selecting an employee from the list, the leader overview page offers more information about matches handled and received during the past 3 weeks. (This shows the same information as the employee's own statistics page.)

Assigning a Manager

To assign a manager, choose an account to receive the role by clicking the "+" under "Managers" on the organizational structure page. The organizational structure page is found under the Organization tab in the admin module.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

The DPO role gives access to a page called "DPO Overview" in the report module. The DPO Overview page displays statistics regarding matches associated with the relevant organizational unit. For example:

  • The percentage of matches found in different sources.

  • How many new matches have been found in a given month.

  • The percentage of matches handled in the organizational unit.

Assigning a DPO

To assign a DPO, choose an account to receive the role by clicking the "+" under "DPOs" on the organizational structure page. The organizational structure page is found under the Organization tab in the admin module.


The Alias object associates a piece of typed metadata with a user. These assocations are used to establish relationships between users and the matches found when a scan is run.

An Alias object consists of a relation to an Account, an alias type, and a value.

The alias type specifies what type of identifier the alias contains.

There are 4 identifiers in the system:

  • SID
  • E-mail
  • Remediator
  • Generic

The value typically contains what is specified in the alias type. For instance, when creating an alias with the type e-mail, the value would be an e-mail address.

The following points will go into further detail about the alias types and how to assign them to an account.

Note: Only superusers can assign an alias.

Security Identifier (SID)

An SID is a unique identifier for security entities (users or groups) in a Windows domain. When a user signs in, an access token containing the SID and rights of the user is created. The token provides security context for the user's actions performed during that session.

A typical SID could look like this:


(For more information about the structure and significance of SIDs, consult Microsoft's documentation.)

Why SID?

When creating a file in a shared network drive, the system needs a way to remember who created it. This is done by saving the SID of the creator of the file. OS2datascanner can then read this information and use it to assign the creator of a file the responsibility for resolving its matches.

For OS2datascanner to make the right associations, an account must be given an alias with the SID type and a value matching the user's SID.

This is relevant when using the file scanner.

Assigning an SID Alias

SID aliases are automatically created when importing users with Microsoft Graph (Azure AD/Entra ID). In other cases, it is presently necessary to retrieve this information manually from the directory system.

To assign the SID alias, first access the Django administration system, available through the Administration tab in the admin module. From here, select Aliases under organizations and click Add Alias. Choose the related account and then the SID alias type from the "Alias type:" dropdown.

Input the SID of the user in the alias's Value field.


The e-mail alias type is used for scanner jobs where the owner or creator of the objects containing matches can be identified by an e-mail address.

For example, scanner jobs using Office365-scans will provide an e-mail address in the owner-field of the document reports.

Assigning an E-mail Alias

To assign the e-mail alias, first access the Django administration system, available through the Administration tab in the admin module. From here, select Aliases under organizations and click Add Alias. Choose the related account and then the e-mail alias type from the "Alias type:" dropdown.

If there is uncertainty about what e-mail address should be used as the alias value, look at the document reports for that scan. Each document report contains an owner-field with the value of the owner/creator. (Document reports can be displayed through the Django administration system.)

Input the e-mail address of the user in the alias's Value field.


When a match cannot be linked to any other account, it is assigned to the relevant remediator.

An example of this could be files in a shared drive created by a former coworker. Their SID is still recorded as the owner of the file, but the directory system no longer includes them, so the owner of the files cannot be linked to a user.

Assigning a Remediator Alias

To assign the remediator alias, first access the Django administration system, available through the Administration tab in the admin module. From here, select Aliases under organizations and click Add Alias. Choose the related account and then the remediator alias type from the "Alias type:" dropdown.

The value of a remediator must be a number.

If a remediator should receive matches from a specific scanner job, input the primary key(PK) of that scanner job in the alias's Value-field. The PK of the scanner job can be found in the Scanner job pk-field of the document reports. (Document reports can be displayed through the Django administration system.)

A remediator can also be assigned matches from all scanner jobs by inputting 0 as the alias's value.


When no other types of aliases are appropriate, the 'generic' type is an unspecific fallback, which can be assigned any value.

The generic alias type can be used for scans like Webscanner. When running a webscan, the owner of matches is set to the root URL of the scanned website. The generic alias type is then used to assign an account the owner of those matches.

Assigning a Generic Alias

To assign the generic alias, first access the Django administration system, available through the Administration tab in the admin module. From here, select Aliases under organizations and click Add Alias. Choose the related account and then the generic alias type from the "Alias type:" dropdown.

for scans like webscanner, input the root URL in the alias's Value field. If there is uncertainty about what should be used as the alias value, look at the document reports for that scan. Each document report contains an owner-field with the value of the owner/creator. Document reports are found on the django-admin page in the report module. Input the value found in the document report into the alias's value field.

Special Roles

OS2datascanner contains two modules: the admin module and the report module.

Special roles are assigned to the User objects in the database.

Users within these two modules are not the same, meaning that if a user is created in the admin module, it won't be in the report module.

When an account is added in the admin module, it is extended to the report module, where users are then created based on the accounts.

Since the users aren't the same across the system, it is possible for a user to have privileges in one module but not the other.


The superuser role provides a user access to almost everything across all clients.

Depending on the module, the superuser has access to different features.

Superusers in the admin module are the only users that can validate scans. Scans that haven't been validated by a superuser will be unable to run Superusers in the admin module are also the only users with permission to access the Django administration system page. This means that features like manually creating users and assigning roles and aliases can only be done by a superuser.

In the report module, superusers have access to withheld matches and are therefore the only users who can distribute them.

When creating a scanner job, a setting called "only notify superadmin" can be checked, so that all matches found during that scan won't be distributed and can only be seen by the superusers in the report module.

Superusers have access to all features other roles have, meaning features accessible to managers and DPOs are also accessible to the superuser.

Note that since the superuser has extended privileges, the role should be used very sparingly.

Assigning a Superuser in The Admin Module

To assign a superuser in the admin module, first access the Django administration system, available through the Administration tab in the admin module. If it hasn't been done, create a user under Users and click Add user.

When creating the user, be sure to check the Superuserstatus checkbox for them to have superuser privileges.

Assigning a Superuser in The Report Module

To assign a superuser in the report module, first access the Django administration system, available through the Administration tab in the admin module. Users in the report module are created from accounts in the admin module.

When creating an account, click Accounts under organizations and check the Superuser_status checkbox.

(It is possible to assign superuser status directly in the report module, but this is not recommended. As the admin module is considered to be the authoritative source of user information, any changes made may be discarded at any time.)


The admin role give users admin permissions on the client they have been assigned to. In contrast, a superuser role has access to all permissions on all clients.

From the Django administration system an admin can create, edit, and delete rules, assign managers and DPOs, or add new organizations.

The admin also has permission to create, run, edit, and delete scanner jobs.

When an admin creates a scanner job, it has to be validated by a superuser. If a scanner job hasn't been validated it will be unable to run.

On the report module the admin has access to the Django administration system.

Assigning an Admin in The Admin Module

The admin role is assigned on the Django administration system in the admin module.

For an admin to be assigned, a user and a client must exist. To create a user, access the Users tab and click Add user. To create a client, access the Clients tab and click Add client. Assigning an admin is done by accessing the Administrators tab and clicking Add administrator. From here, choose a user to receive the role and a client they should be assigned to.

Assigning an Admin in The Report Module

The admin role is assigned on the Django administration system in the report module.

To assign the admin, choose a user under the Users tab. From here, check the Admin-status checkbox for that user.